The history of numbers 22-28 Main Street in Cortland, like several other addresses previously covered, starts with a house. Sylvester Blair (-1836) built his home on the property “consisting of a large and advantageously situated village lot” with a brick house, neighboring brick store (what would be no.18), extensive out buildings and well selected orchard. Blair was partnered with his brother-in-law, Asahel Lyman, in the mercantile business and in 1829 originated a pottery establishment located on the corner of Graham and Groton Avenues. Unfortunately, he did not have long to enjoy success for he died of fits (a seizure) in 1836 while traveling onRead More →

This location has the distinction of having had one of the last remaining family residences in Cortland’s business district! Believed to have been built in the 1830s, what is commonly known as the Keator House was torn down in 1937. But let us start at the beginning: The first owner that we can attribute to the home is Tercius Eels, a private in the War of 1812, Cortland’s Poor Master in 1831, and additionally active as postmaster, Whig leader, Town Clerk, and as a merchant. Eels sold to Oren Stimson, who served as County Clerk and kept a dry goods store. Harmon S. Conger boughtRead More →

  According to the newspaper article that details the origins of street names of Cortland, ten of the city’s then 122 streets were named after United States Presidents: Arthur, Blaine, Cleveland, Garfield, Grant, Harrison, Lincoln, Madison, Monroe, and Washington. Blaine? Who was Blaine and where is there a Blaine Street in Cortland? A quick internet search revealed James G. Blaine ran against James A. Garfield for the Republican presidential nomination. Blaine was later appointed to Secretary of State under President Garfield. One mystery solved. There was, in fact, a Blaine Street in Cortland! It was a small street located off from Clinton Avenue which wasRead More →